Tag Archives: Website

25 Years of Websites and Interesting Facts

The first website ever were launched by Tim Berners-Lee exactly 9,125 days ago, or 25 years to the day. 6th August 1991 were the day he announced it on a usenet group. Technically the first day it got new visitors were the 23rd August 1991, but the official launch were the 6th August.

It were a few years later that NCSA actually launched the first popular website browser (Mosaic) and CERN helped by making the software both free and open source.

It seems bizarre to me that Tim Berners-Lee intended it to be a platform to share academic and research papers. The father of the internet or World Wide Web has he named it,

Interesting Internet Related Facts

1, Currently we have Mozilla Project, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome and the various variations under those banners. Originally it were just Mosiac which came in 1993 and were discontinued in 1997.

2, China has treatment camps for those who are addicted to the internet.

3, Internet Addition is officially recognised as a mental disorder in many countries.

4, Mount Everest has it own High Speed Internet station.

5, When Montenegro became independent from Yugoslavia its internet domain extension went from .YU to .ME.

6, The man (Patrick Rock) in the UK who were behind the countries porn filters were arrested for child porn offenses.

7, WiFi doesn’t really have any meaning, beyond Wi for Wireless, the rest were made up because it rhymed with HiFi. Originally it were called Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance, so should really be WECA.

8, On the 31st December 1993 there were only 623 Websites on the then named World Wide Web, up from 1 in 1991. By the end of 1995 there were 100,000.

9, In 2010, Finland became the first country in the world to make internet access a legal right.

10, Forcibly disconnecting people from the internet is a Human Rights violation according to the United Nations.

11, The very first thing ever sold on the internet were a bag of Marijuana. Which were bought by Standford Students buying from MIT Students.

12, The technology behind the internet began back in the 1960s at MIT. The first message ever transmitted were LOG. The user attempted to type LOGIN but the netowrk couldn’t handle the enormous load of the data caused by the 3 letters sent thus far.

13, Mark Zuckerberg is actually the 4th original member of Facebook, his ID number is 4.

14, Tila Tequila had the most friends on MySpace at 1.5 million.

15, Carrier Pigeons were officially still faster than average broadband speeds until as late as 2010. They gave the birds a USB Drive with a video file, and started the upload at the same time. The pigeons won.

10 Interesting Images from Internet History

1, In 1991 the first webcam were invented to monitor a coffee pot so the workers at University of Cambridge didnt’ waste a journey to the coffee maker to find it empty.

First Ever Webcam in Trojan Room

First Ever Webcam

2, The first tweet was sent on March 21, 2006 at 3:50pm by Jack Dorsey and said “just setting up my twttr”.

Jack Dorsey First Ever Tweet

Jack Dorsey First Ever Tweet

3, The first ever picture uploaded to the internet were by Tim Berners-Lee and it were the women from the Nuclear Research Lab at CERN.

First Ever Photo of Cernettes

First Ever Photo of Cernettes

4, This is the NeXT computer that Tim Berners-Lee used to create the World Wide Web.

NeXT Computer

NeXT Computer

5, This is how Facebook looked in 2004.

Facebook in 2004

Facebook in 2004

6, Mark Zuckerberg had an AngelFire website.

Zuckerbergs Angelfire Site

Zuckerbergs Angelfire Site

7, This is how Google looked in 2004.

Google in 2004

Google in 2004

8, Jean Armour Polly a librarian from upstate New York first coined the term “Surfing the web”. She went on to become Net Mom,

Jean Armour Polly

Jean Armour Polly

9, This is Tim Berners-Lee the father of the World Wide Web and modern Internet in 1991 with the NeXT Computer.

Tim Berners-Lee 1991 NeXT Computer

Tim Berners-Lee 1991 NeXT Computer

10, Finally Alan Mathison Turing, the father of Modern Computing.

Alan Mathison Turing

Alan Mathison Turing

Bonus, The Manchester Mark 1, the first ever computer made by Turin.

Manchester Mark 1

Manchester Mark 1