Tag Archives: PHP Security

PHP Security Cheat Sheet

Following on from the Photoshop Cheat Sheet post, I figured I’d make it a series of posting the cheat sheets I use almost daily or at least when I use certain programs. This PHP Security Cheat Sheet by SK89q has been next to my Computer for quite literally years. I almost don’t need it, I know it so well but as a check list its always worth reading over to be sure I missed nothing before releasing an application to the public.

You can see more up to date stuff on OWASP but I like this check list better, the OWASP Cheat Sheet Book (Website) is an amazing thing to have a good read of on a whole manner of geeky subjects.

PHP Security Cheat Sheet

PHP Security Cheat Sheet

You can click the picture or right click it to save a big version of it, hit escape to close the image as its a high resolution image.