I recently posted about Samsung’s Driving App or “In-Traffic” which is basically an auto reply app which activates while in the car. Its still unclear if this app only affects SMS or covers majors apps like WhatsApp, Skype, KIK and Facebook Messenger. I have been playing with various apps which read out messages, notifications and such on my phone while I’m driving. I figured I’d share the App(s) I’m using with success and also another app which answers the question of are “Driver or Passenger” on this trip.
I installed about 10 different apps. I choose them by reading the reviews, I also used the selector of Reviews Made with My Android / Phone Version, and mostly those which 3/5 Stars in the Google Play Store Reviews. This should avoid me giving false negatives about apps which I can’t fully try because of phone or android versions, and the reviews are usually a good indicator for app functionality. The selection process out the way lets crack on with the final app I choose, I’m not going to review the others since I’m not using them.
The cream of the crop for me was an app called Shouter, it basically reads notifications out. The biggest thing I liked were the ability to customise the message. By default it says “Notification from *app name* it says *notification content*”, but you change that to “Message from” or anything you like.
You can set silent hours, so it doesn’t disturb you during the night, should you use it outside of the car.
It can get oddly embarrassing when your driving along and it reads out a message from Facebook Messenger, or WhatsApp especially when my friends have names like Scary Pants and Horny Sean etc.
You can set the app to only read out certain applications and messages, like I only have it set to WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Facebook, SMS, Calls and maybe or two more apps but only certain things.
You can find a more detailed review here.

A Manchester Based Photographer and Website Developer with interests in Strongman, Fitness and Geekery.