Tag Archives: Dogs

Merry Christmas Folks

I haven’t been posting much lately as I’ve been extra busy with real life stuff. About month ago, I was told we would be able to foster a neglected Bulldog, who had been rescued. I don’t really have very much information about the nature of the neglect other than it wasn’t intentional abuse more like ignorance to all the hard work which Bulldogs need to maintain a healthy dog. 

Bumbles First day

Bumbles First Day

Bulldogs require lots of care, which most other dogs don’t require. This begins long before they are even born, almost without exception a Bulldog can’t have a natural birth, they are almost always C-Section born. This is just the start, you’ll find you often need to clean their bottom after doing their business. Their feet need regular cleaning as they are webbed, and prone to infections. The wrinkles and folds on their face need regular and routine cleaning and moisturising, again they are prone to infection. Their nose will often need moisturising with a little coconut oil to stop it cracking and drying out. The tear stains on their face will need cleaning regularly, their chin often needs drying after drinking water or it will go bald. The list really does go on… and on. I’ve only told you about basics of care so far, you still have dietary requirements which is costly and general health stuff with huge bills, not to mention the mountain of insurance. You need to be really really really sure you are ready if you take a bulldog on. 

Foster A Bulldog

Anyway we’ve fostered Bumble (4 yrs old) for a few months, while he recovers from surgery (a result of his neglect). He had his tail, stump, root and all remove surgically which resulted in his bottom pointing upwards instead of outwards. He also had a tumor removed so he was half shaven and and still a little sore when he arrived.

Bumble Bald Chin

Bumble Bald Chin

This meant he didn’t need to recover in a kennel or at the vets cages, he gets to spent Christmas in a house, being played with, and spoiled until a forever home is found. I don’t think your allowed to keep the first dog you foster as they want to get you into the coming and going, so you can give many dogs a chance and a temp home. 

At first he was a little withdrawn and closed down, just seemed almost in a daze, or glazed over. We have had a few set backs, and a few minor concerns but nothing we haven’t been able to overcome.

There has been no growling, no snapping, very little barking, by all accounts he’s fairly chilled and docile. I’d say so laid back if he didn’t follow you around, you’d need to check his pulse so see if he’s still awake.

Bumble in his Bed

Bumble in his Bed

The other dog Barney has accepted him without any problems, they often share a bed, and play together. There is no fighting or shuffling when it comes to food or anything.

A month later he’s bouncy, bubbly, and making his little spot in the house, perfect content. The scars are healing well, the fur has nearly grown back on his bum, his chin hair is growing back too and he seems happy.  

I don’t know if he’s going to end up withdrawn and unhappy again after his next move, but hopefully is next move is into his forever and final home, so he doesn’t have to be passed pillar to post. 

Bugly The Bulldog Has Passed

I’m not going to be posting much for a while and will be limited to urgent messages, my Bulldog, Bugly or “Menace” to the Vets or “Just Bumble” to Kennel Club has died. I hope you can appreciate this difficult time, means I’ll be slower than usual.

The above picture was taken Saturday 2nd at the seaside one his favourite places, he was in good spirits and playing with logs (oversized sticks) but at 9 and half years old, for a bulldog he was older than Methuselah. 

I hope your resting well Buggers, and having a blast up there. I’ve never known such a smart, devious, maniacal borderline evil genius dog before. I will miss your playful nature but not the chemical warfare grade farts 😉

R.I.P. Bugly / Menace / Just Bumble

Who Let The Dogs Out, Who?

There is talk of a law coming in UK Wide, which is already (I believe) in force in Wales, where dogs must be properly secured within the motor vehicle. This law will not only apply to dogs but to any and all animals, which must be safely secured for every journey. Obviously there will be some leeway for emergencies, and mistakes but I wouldn’t expect too much leeway. 

Rules 57 of the Official Highway Code states: “When in a vehicle, make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving, or injure you, or themselves if you stop suddenly (aka Crash)”. Having unrestrained pets in a vehicle is putting drivers at risk of being distracted. There is no official penalty (at this point) for this offence within the Highway Code or Law of the Land, should you be pulled up (currently) or cause an accident you would be charged with “Driving without due care and attention”.

Dire Consequences

This comes with Nine (9) Penalty Points and up to £2,500 Fine, and should it be an extreme or serious breach, you could be forced into a compulsory ban, and forced to get an extended re-test of both theory and practical test no matter how long you’ve been driving. If you haven’t already been subject to the New Drivers Act (2 year probation period) you would then become subject to that for a further 2 years.

This would put you a new driver with 9 points on your provisional, once you pass, it would only take 3 points to put you up to 12 points and another ban for 3-6 months. You would then need to do another re-rest. It would be a horrible situation to be in.

Even if you wasn’t banned, 9 points would put you 1 offence away form a ban, or if you already had a speeding/red light/mobile phone offence it would result in a ban too.

This isn’t even the worst of it, if you cause an accident or are in an accident which is caused by an unrestrained or unsecured animal / pet, the odds are very high your insurance could refuse to pay out. 

Basic Guidelines

There are some basic guide lines for when travelling with pets or animals within a vehicle.

1, Don’t allow your pet to ride with its head hanging out the window, its potentially dangerous and cause injury.

2, Ideally keep your pet in the rear of the vehicle with a barrier net

3, Always carry a large bottle of water (5 litres, £1 from most supermarkets) in case your pet overheats and needs to be rapidly cooled down in an emergency.

4, Keep a water bowl and water available for your pet.

5, Use Sun Shades on the windows when its warm/hot, and the sun is bright.

6, Never leave a pet in a hot car.

7, Don’t feed your pet within a few hours of travelling to avoid car sickness.

8, Pack your pets favourite toys, or blankets to give your pet a sense of familiarity.  

9, Consider carrying a pet first aid kit for emergencies. 

10, Never drive with the Pet on your knee or the drivers side of the vehicle. 

Dog out of Car Window image by freestocks.org.